


There are no hotels at the airport. The nearest hotel is Ruta Jacobea 2.5 kilometer away (tel: +43(0)981 888 211). For more hotels and to reserve online you can go to, they have a large range of hotels with great internet rates.

Shops and restaurants

There is a very modest range of restaurants and bars. There is one snack bar and one restaurant that has a self-service section and a room where you can eat á la carte. There are seven shops.


There is a counter for lost and found items on the ground floor of the Departures Hall (tel: +43(0)981 547 571). You cannot store baggage at this airport.


There is a general service counter from Aena, the operator of Spanish airports, in the Central Hall. The personnel are also available through the general number.


There are no business facilities at this airport. Meeting and conference rooms can be found in the hotel Ruta Jacobea (see Hotels).

Disabled facilities

The airport is accessible for the disabled. There are wheelchair ramps, adapted restrooms and elevators. There are parking places reserved for the disabled right in front of the terminal.

Other services

There is a bank in the Central Hall, Caixa de Galicia (tel: +43(0)981 897 131) and there are several ATM's. There is a First Aid post on the ground floor (tel: +43(0)981 547 565).